Minecraft customers can now automatically install Tekkit on their servers straight from the control panel. This feature is currently in testing - we have done extensive tests on our end, and without fail have been able to achieve great results putting us in a position to feel comfortable to release the feature to the public. Users might need to ...
Greetings! We are proud to announce that Area 52 Hosting now is accpeting BitCoin as a form of payment for our services.
Our new line of minecraft servers has been released. For more information check out the main webpage.
Soon Area 52 Hosting will be undergoing a few upgrades to the servers that your hosting accounts are hosted on. One of the upgrades to take note of is the change to Solid State Drives (SSD's) on all our hosting servers. All clients will receive a email detailing the change, as well as the expected downtime date and time.
Good news! Area 52 Hosting now sells dedicated servers. If you would like more information on pricing, feel free to make a ticket in the Sales department and we will shoot you a quote based on your needs.
Soon Area 52 Hosting will start selling dedicated servers from the Singlehop datacenter at huge discounts for premium hardware and network. More information to follow.
Area 52 Hosting has finally decided to create an area on Facebook. Our strongest customer base comes from word of mouth when compared to any other marketing technique we have implemented currently. Adding a page onto Facebook makes it easier for our existing customers to express their thoughts and opinions about Area 52 uncensored. So why not ...
The client area just finished undergoing a facelift! We hope you find the client area easier to navigate than before.
Area 52 just finished signing up with a company called rate point. Rate point is a feedback system that will allow customers of Area 52 to easily submit their opinion on how well we are doing. Â Because this is a new system, we are trying to populate feedback into the system as soon as possible, inorder to post them in the front page of our ...
Area 52 Hosting has fully integrated our hosting services with second life! For those of you who do not already know, second life is another sim based game, on steroids, to say the least. Second life is not a game... people play games IN second life however. For those of you who already play second life, you can now pay invoices with linden ...
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